09:22 stop acquisition
09:40 Defogging column B...did not work. Prepare to unistall the laser assembly
12:50 Cleaning columnd B done with water and ethanol...never again. Dangerous given that the lens is not fixed whatsoever.. Potentially a good idea to buy a second lens.
13:05 Connected to total inlet. First stage monitor of cloumn B at 0.04!
13:17 Column A and B Test at ss1. both columns counting half of CPC.
13:28 Column A and B Test at ss1 on filter 10 min. A: 1-3 cm-3 B=0 cm-3
13:38 Toal flow check on 10 readings A= 511 ccm/min B =508 ccm/min....could be better
13:46 Changed the connector to the inlet and check the zero. Problem of the zero on column A is solved.
14:00 Restart connected to inlet. Both column at the same supersaturatio for a test. all good to go