Marco Zanatta

WAI mantainence

Inviato da marco.zanatta il

P. villani mantainenece at the inlet to solve high temperature in the inlet head. Somenthing wrong happend...high temperature in the CCNC. Need to be checked tomorrow.

PC off

Inviato da marco.zanatta il

After maintaninence of yesterday, PC was not on UPS. Today current down in the morning. waiting to restart.

WAI maintenance

Inviato da marco.zanatta il

P. Villani on site. The software was in full block due to the broken ambient temperature probe

  • Probe is replaced.
  • Turbine is checked
  • Software modified to avoid block: if T and ambient are out if bound the software goes into allert, but mantain the acquisition with fake T and P. Adding modified nominal flows for each line. Obtained the source code.
  • New data format version
  • Lines are numbered



Inviato da marco.zanatta il

Zero MAAP  in parallel with MAAP evk2

  • Start time UTC-2 : 12:26
  • EndTime UTC-2: 14:14

maintenance CCNC column B

Inviato da marco.zanatta il

09:22 stop acquisition

09:40 Defogging column B...did not work. Prepare to unistall the laser assembly

12:50 Cleaning columnd B done with water and ethanol...never again. Dangerous given that the lens is not fixed whatsoever.. Potentially a good idea to buy a second lens.

13:05 Connected to total inlet. First stage monitor of cloumn B at 0.04!

13:17  Column A and B Test at ss1. both columns counting half of CPC.

13:28 Column A and B Test at ss1 on filter 10 min. A: 1-3 cm-3 B=0 cm-3